
CNC Controls


The user interface is the Windows XP operating system, offering the user the ability to simultaneously execute programs while engaging any compatible Windows based software, to include any CAD/CAM systems. A 3-year control components warranty comes standard with purchase.

The Arumatik-Mi control offers the user more practical communication and visible use. Operation processes are divided into three steps, ‘Monitor’, ‘Set-Up’ and ‘Edit’, and necessary information is aggregated into the three screens. These screens can be displayed by just a single touch of a button on the keyboard or touch screen. Customizable tabs allow the user to select necessary operation from the operation menu, and pop-up screens allow the user to access desired information while the original screen remains displayed.

Standard with a 19” LCD and dual keyboard layout (Kitamura conventional style control coupled with standard keyboard design) the Arumatik-Mi control offers comfortable and advanced operation for a variety of machining applications along with the ability to transfer existing Fanuc programs. The operation panel swings out 90º and comes equipped with a standard fixed remote pulse generator, making set-up for the operator easier.


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Our clients range from FTSE companies, to large organisations and some small local businesses who are striving to expand.

To see a detailed list of our works and the progress please see our project page.

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25 Mail Street, Western Province Park, Epping, Cape Town, 7460
+27 21 534 5351
FAX: +27 21 534 3374

Johannesburg Office

Corner of Atlas and Templehof South Road, Bonaero Park, Johannesburg
+27 11 970 7005
FAX: +27 86 678 9360