Shadow Graph
- Screen Diameter: 600mm with precision cross lines, calibration markings and overlay clips.
- Workstage: Top plate - 400mmx225mm, Measuring Travel: 200mmx100mm
- Workstage Capacity: 30kg maximum (Evenly distributed)
- Illumination: Profile - Fan cooled, 150w halogen with yellow/green filter, Surface - Fan cooled 100w lamp/fibre optic system.
- Measurement/display systems: Linear - Heidenhain scales (0.001mm resolution). Simple DRO or Quadra-Chek readout systems with edge sensing option. Angle - Digital protractor (1 minute resolution). Quadra-Chek Q-Axis.
- Lenses: x10, x20, x25, x 311/4, x50, x100 (x5 to special order)
- Power Supply: 110/120/230/240/250V.AC50/60Hz, consumption 5A.
- Fully usable 600mm diameter screen.
- Screen angled at an optimum 30° to give bright, easily viewed image, and allowing easy tracing or overlay work.
- Choice of two workstage size options with manual, motorised or CNC control.
- Fast traverse, quick release mechanism on X and Y Axis.
- Supplied complete with full canopy and curtains.
- Single lens mount or 3-lens quick change turret using silo system for maximum lens protection.
- Available with the full range of Quadra-Chek readout systems.
- Electronic digital protractor.
- Comprehensive range of multi-element precision ground lenses.
- 4Large range of accessories available.
- 4Lamp mounted helix facility.