Altera M-Series
S,M,SL and SLHA Series
Volumetric accuracy from 1.8 µm + L/400 from 1.5 µm + L/375 from 1.1 µm+L/400 from 0.7 µm+L/600
Repeatability from 1.7 µm from 1.5 µm from 0.7 µm from 0.5 µm
Velocity from 762 mm/s from 833 mm/s up to 850 mm/s up to 317 mm/s
Acceleration from 2,306 mm/s2 from 2,514 mm/s2 up to 1,407 mm/s2 up to 566 mm/s2
Measuring Volumes
8.7.6 10.10.8 10.12.10 15.15.10 20.15.12 20.15.15 25.20.15
10.7.6 15.10.8 15.12.10 20.15.10 25.15.12 25.15.15 30.20.15
15.7.6 20.10.8 20.12.10 25.15.10 30.15.12 30.15.15 35.20.15
25.10.8 25.12.10 30.15.10 35.15.12 35.15.15 40.20.15
30.10.8 30.12.10 35.15.10 40.15.12 40.15.15 45.20.15
35.10.8 35.12.10 40.15.10 45.15.12 45.15.15 50.20.15
40.10.8 40.12.10 45.15.10 50.15.12 50.15.15 60.20.15
45.10.8 50.12.10 50.15.10 60.15.12 60.15.15 65.20.15
60.12.10 60.15.10 70.15.12 70.15.15 70.20.15
70.12.10 70.15.10
The ALTERA M range of performance CMMs deliver exception throughput and enhanced precision to the heart of your production. Exclusively designed for high speed tactile probe scanning and laser scanner applications, ALTERA M is the preferred choice for automotive and aerospace OEMs and other manufacturers of performance critical components.