Conventional EDM machines use a tool to disperse the electric current. This tool, which acts as the cathode, runs along the metal piece, the anode, and the electrical current reacts to melt or vaporize the metal. As a result of the dielectric fluid, any small amount of debris produced is washed away from the workpiece.

SG-S Series

Spark Erosion Machines

Models: SG8-S, SG12-S, SG28-S

SG-R Series

Spark Erosion Machines

SG8-R, SG12R, SG28-R

About Company

Our clients range from FTSE companies, to large organisations and some small local businesses who are striving to expand.

To see a detailed list of our works and the progress please see our project page.

Cape Town Office

25 Mail Street, Western Province Park, Epping, Cape Town, 7460
+27 21 534 5351
FAX: +27 21 534 3374

Johannesburg Office

Corner of Atlas and Templehof South Road, Bonaero Park, Johannesburg
+27 11 970 7005
FAX: +27 86 678 9360