Wire cut EDM (or WEDM) discharges the electrified current by means of a taut thin wire, which acts as the cathode and is guided alongside the desired cutting path, or kerf. A dielectric fluid submerges the wire and workpiece, filtering and directing the sparks. The thin wire allows precision cuts, with kerfs as wide as three inches and a positioning accuracy of +/- 0.0002”. This heightened precision allows for complex, three dimensional cuts, and produces highly accurate punches, dies, and stripper plates. Mitsubishi has been a market leader in EDM since the 1970's


400/300/220mm travels, AWT as std, most advanced on the market


Generally Ex Stock

Next-generation Optical Drive System

MP2400R Connect

Improvements in construction, auto-threading, internal communication, power technology and operating costs

MV4800S Advance

Monster 800/600/510mm Travels

Ideal for large part applications

MX600 Advance Tubular

Advanced manual control box

About Company

Our clients range from FTSE companies, to large organisations and some small local businesses who are striving to expand.

To see a detailed list of our works and the progress please see our project page.

Cape Town Office

25 Mail Street, Western Province Park, Epping, Cape Town, 7460
+27 21 534 5351
FAX: +27 21 534 3374

Johannesburg Office

Corner of Atlas and Templehof South Road, Bonaero Park, Johannesburg
+27 11 970 7005
FAX: +27 86 678 9360